Five things I can tell you about Tariro Mavondo. 

1) The name Tariro means hope in Shona.

2) When Tariro performs spoken word, the world holds its breath and language turns into a spell that conjures beauty and elemental forces all at once.

3) She is the grand-daughter of Zimbabwean royalty and continues to be a leader. She’s been a CEO of a youth theatre company in Melbourne and is now guiding people through creative processes that are both powerful and empowering.

4) She has won awards in multiple countries, making her an internationally award winning actress.

5) Her journey began in Zimbabwe, wove its way through the streets of Frankston and Greater Melbourne, and is now continuing in Barbados where she is currently residing.

Tariro speaks so beautifully in this podcast episode about writing, about courage, about how the body holds stories, and about how we can rewrite these stories so that we may heal and grow.

The music and spoken word featured in this episode are excerpts from We Too Roar and Creases of Gods by Australian Art Orchestra, Reuben Lewis, Tariro Mavondo and Peter Knight.

To find out more about Tariro’s work:

For workshops and other offerings visit Tariro’s website

To connect on Instagram visit Tariro here

To connect on Facebook visit Tariro here

To listen and purchase Tariro’s collaboration with the Australian Art Orchestra, Closed Beginnings, click here.


Episode 4 - Changemaker - Samuel Gaskin


Episode 6 - Creating with Clay - Carla Ruka