Episode 1 - Rising Early - Trace Balla

In this first episode of Singing Our Way Home I travelled to Castlemaine to interview writer, illustrator, artist, songwriter and all round inspiring human being Trace Balla.

Trace welcomed me on this hot Summer’s day, and crocheted whilst we spoke, weaving stories of the place she lives in and loves. Her storytelling took me on the journey of her dawn bike rides, drawing me in to her enchantment with the living world around her. Her stories create a space of hope, optimism and deep respect for the creative process as a way of paying attention and loving the world we are a part of.

It was my first interview, and still learning how to use the Zoom recorder I made the rookie error of not recording the first part of the interview (I have since learnt you need to press record twice). So this episode dives straight into the complexities of telling difficult stories, loving and writing about country as a non-indigenous writer, and practices to support creative connection.

You can find out more about Trace’s work at www.traceballa.com

Music Credits:

You can hear songs by Trace Balla and Andrew McSweeney within the podcast, as well as music by Hello Satellites


Episode 2 - An Ecology of Love - Marianne Wobcke